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Activity and Achievement

April 2019 - March 2020
  • Investigation and fieldwork on advance care planning and spiritual care in Taiwan

Our research team conducted an investigation and fieldwork in Taiwan from 6th February 2020 to 10th to explore current practices and challenges of advance care planning (ACP) in the region.  Visiting Taichung, Puli (Nantou), and Taipei,  we had interviews and discussions with legal and health care experts and key-persons in talking about ACP.  


  • 6 FEB (Thu.): Discussions with a professor (medical law) at China Medical University in Taichung

  • 7 FEB (Fri.): Visit at the hospice department and ACP outpatient at Puli Christian Hospital in Puli, and interviews with the manager at the social work department at the hospital in Puli

  • 8 FEB (Sat.): 'Japan-Taiwan meeting on ACP' at Taipei City Hospital in Taipei

  • 9 FEB (Sun.): Breakfast meeting with a professor (medical ethics) at National Taiwan University, in Taipei.

  • 10 FEB (Mon.): Visit at Daibei Xue Yuan 大悲學苑, a Buddhist hospice facility, in Taipei


  • Yicheng CHUNG (Tokyo Branch of Otani University, Shin Buddhist Comprehensive Research Institute)

  • Hyunsoo Hong (Meiji Gakuin University)

  • Keiko Sato (Kyoto University Hospital)

  • Mika Suzuki ( Center for iPS Cell Research and Application, Kyoto University)

  • Noriko Nagao ​(Kitasato University)

  • Miho Tanaka (The Japan Medical Association Research Institute)

You can find the detail in the following, yet written in Japanese.

Title:Report: Advance care planning and spiritual care in Taiwan (06-10 FEB 2020)

Language: Japanese


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